“Does this spark joy?” How to declutter your heart and soul so you are ready to meet your Soulmate.

During this unprecedented time, I spend a good part of my day talking with people about life getting back to normal or the notion of a “new normal”. Some are realizing that life as we know it will never be the same and are attempting to make sense of how to live and who they will be in this emerging new world. In these people, there is a deep recognition that our current way of “being” human on the planet is in transition and in fact dying. Some are accepting this loss, this death of our old ways of operating, disconnected from our hearts and deep interconnection. Others are clinging to the way things were and want things to go back to normal. As a guide, coach, and therapist, a regular aspect of what I do is help people as they navigate their fear, confusion, the death of old patterns, and the transition humanity is currently in.

What would happen if Supernormal was the New Normal? What if I told you that beyond the mind and limiting beliefs, there is a miraculous place of truth just waiting to be reclaimed. Yes, reclaimed. Your truth has always been with you. It’s who you are beyond your pain, trauma, and the fear-based conditioning you received from a thousand damaging sources. These elements obscure your truth, the same way clutter can obscure the beautiful structural elements of a well built home.

I have found that people who are able to “de-clutter” can reach a state of being-ness in which they allow themselves to be guided by the truth of who they are. This is the next phase in our evolutionary journey as a species. I have spent my life on a journey to know who and what I am and have been led and taught by many teachers, mentors, and coaches throughout the course of my life. I am eternally grateful to all of these guides as they have shown me the way to freedom and to having exquisite choice in every moment of my life. I choose to be awake. I choose love. I am at the Helm of my life, living out my profound truth. I have found that people who wake up and heal up tend to show up powerfully in the world. Supernormal Living occurs when human beings clear up their internal climates, which in turn paves the way for their highest expression and to a new world governed by the truth of who humanity is. What is needed in this great pause? For humanity to reclaim itself, our collective self, we must each take personal responsibility for the “supernormal” in us.


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